Sunday, November 11, 2012

When I voted early the week before last...

I was very ashamed of myself. I have not watched TV in over 18 months and I let that behavior cross over into other aspects of my life; I no longer get the newspaper, or read the news online, so I am truly out of pocket. As an example of how bad it has gotten with me, I was scheduled to spend part of last weekend in the DMV and it wasn't until that Sunday when it was time to order my plane ticket that I was made aware of Hurricane Sandy! As I have called myself a Hot Ass Mess in previous postings, this is just solidifying that personal statement. So looking at the ballot and not recognizing all the different names for the school board and the different judges, many of whom were being elected to LIFETIME positions really hit home. I had to really go internal on this and set myself straight (I know that sounds silly). While not watching TV is okay to a certain extent, becoming completely disconnected from society to the point that I am only aware of what is directly affecting me and mine RIGHT NOW is beyond unacceptable. How am I truly setting an example for my children or my students; if I was teaching ms soc. studies this year I would fire my damn self.

So uhmmm yeah, this was how I felt last week after I voted, and my days are off slightly because I voted early. Right now, I'm still too busy to watch TV and I still don't know what is going on around me. But I can tell you this much, the FB page, Grown Folks Conversation - Adult Version, has my complete attention!! I am utterly addicted! To the point that I even respond to some of the posting on that crazy ass page. As I told a friend of mine, I do not need to watch TV, as long as I have this page. This is my Basketball Ho's or Atlanta House Hookers. Straight addicted I tell you. 

I also turned the big FOUR OH, last weekend. That's right, I'm 40 babeeeee! I had a little party with my colleagues, they made my night wonderful, and I didn't even get up and go to work on Sunday (cuz it was my bday thats why!!).

Any-who, I'm completely behind in all my work but I will update everyone soon on the comings and goings of my life and those who have any form of relevancy within it. With that being said, yes, Lemme See and I have had regular conversations throughout the week. But something (prolly PMS) literally made me send him a text that said, Deuces Negro!

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